About us

Our Partners

Keyleerkorb Partnerships is sector agnostic and enables diverse companies to benefit from their individual capacity and expertise. As partners, we aspire to provide targeted solutions to our customers with quick and efficient turnaround in the short-term paving way to long-term sustainable collaborations.



Key-Leer represents the phonetics of Tamil word Kelir ('கேளிர்') which means kinsman, referring to people, whereas in German 'Leer' means empty and 'Korb' means basket. With that, the name "KeyLeerKorb" denotes permutation of meaning such as " Key Basket, Empty Basket and People's Basket. Combining these homophones of two different languages, we represent our business and value proportion; "the empty basket only gains its value when the key needs are served to the people through organizations".

Simply put, we are a supply chain company designed to address the acute needs of Businesses and Societies. To businesses, at the time of overhauls, we provide crucial market linkages to obsolete components, and to the societies, at the time of crisis & disaster, we supply relief materials and essential commodities.

Our organization is incubated by a broad network of qualified professionals offered by the GRASS Foundation, India. We are a mix of an experienced and young, vibrant team anchored by mentors from varied background such as economics, business development, entrepreneurship, logistics, andsupply chain industries. The management brings decades of experience in pharmaceuticals, medical appliances, obsolete electronics, steel products across various industrial sectors including (not limited to) renewable energy sectors, agro-industry and social sectors specializing in sustainable resource management.

We recognize the importance of entrenching sustainable practices and processes for inclusive development. Our core operating principles are derived from the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and SDGs offer a clear framework for structuring out sustainability efforts. Our efforts to embed the SDG framework includes: understanding the relevance of SDGs, developing priorities and target areas, developing optimal process maps, and reporting on actions and outcomes. By integrating such efforts, we aspire to fulfill the critical role of the private sector in achieving the SDGs.

Our Vision

To fill the void of acute demand for commodities during the time of business hauls and societal crisis, through unparalleled quality, efficiency and customer service, thereby serving the businesses, governments and civil society organisation for a better and sustainable world.

Our Mission

  • Addressing market demand through continuous improvement and innovation in supply chain and logistics.
  • Increasing the response time and decreasing the lead time.
  • Strengthening customer relationshipswith effective and quality alternate sourcing channels
  • Pricing the products for the need, not for the market opportunity.

Our Team


Dr. P. Rathinavelu

Founder - Owner

R. Rathinavelu

Co - Founder and Mentor


Mr. Viki

Chief Financial Officer

Business Development Executives / Partners

Mr. Ismail

Business Development Executive


Mr. Steve

Business Development Executive

North America

Mr. Kali

Business Partner

Ms. Priya

Business Development Executive

South America

Ms. Vivi

Business Partner


Mr. Dev

Business Partner