
Quality Standards

KeykeerKorb has committed to quality, that brings the best to your inventory and continues its service after we deliver exactly the required quantity at the promised time. Quality today is the most significant requirement as there is a massive number of counterfeit products in the market. Quality problem may cost more than the actual parts. So, KeyLeerKorb makes sure that it provides the essential quality on every order strictly under government norms. The Products are inspected and tested for its functionality, EVI and counterfeit testing before it reaches our customer.

KeyLeerkorb is and always intended to improve the quality standards of the products and its process. KeyLeerkorbtracks the quality and on time performance results from our manufacturing partners. They are monitored with different parameters such has incoming defects and customer reported defects. Regular follow up, new Initiatives, implementing quality regulation in the process and frequent supplier evaluation are one the key success for our growth in the industry.

KeyLeerkorb has its own quality control process:

  • Our distributors/ suppliers are qualified under conventional process that includes high risk screening, supply type and error rate.
  • Analyzing our supply chain partners performance/response time/ quality assurance/ product supplied.
  • With the analyzed result, KeyLeerkorb identifies the risk/gap in the product and supply. With this repeated loop process, KeyLeerKorb ensure improve in the quality of the product supplied and helps to meet customers satisfaction.

As KeyLeerkorb enterprises is involved in three verticals, each industry has its defined quality inspection under government regulated norm, which needs to be satisfied. KeyLeerkorb shall supply its product only if the product has the below mentioned standards.

Our quality inspection for electronics is of multiple stages:

  • Package Inspection
  • Document verification
  • Recoding the received products
  • Label verification
  • Visual Inspection
  • Testing (EVI, Functional, De-cap, electrical testing)
  • Result analysis and approval.

Our pharma and electronic products with required standards and certificates:

EN Standards:

Under the European union, the filtering respiratory protection devices are regulated. The minimum requirement must be implemented in national legislation of all EC member state based. KeyLeerkorb maintains these standards on their gloves and mask they supply.

EN136/ EN140/ EN143/ EN149 – FFP 1/2/3 are the standard sets the minimum requirements that are not limited to full face masksand Gloves (Nitrile/latex/vinyl) includes temperature stability, breathing resistance, flammability and ets..

Certificates & approvals for our products supplied:
CE – The European conformity (For all parts we supply in the European market)
COC – Certificate of Conformity
SITRA – The South Indian Textile research association
FDA – Food and Drug administration (for the parts we supply in the US market)
RoHS – for components that has no restricted substance.
Harmonized Standard – Explains that the product complies with relevant EU legislation.